
Tuesday 20 December 2011

What Food Can I Eat And What Food to Avoid to Beat Cancer?

What Food Can I Eat And What Food to Avoid to Beat Cancer?

We are all ignorant about cancer and we are kept ignorant on its many causes. If we knew what we could do to help ourselves most people would make simple lifestyle changes to increase their odds of success with the disease. Cancer is purely a reminder that you are not living as you are supposed to so it's time to change direction. We should be able to turn to our doctors for helpful information but they are only educated by pharmaceutical companies who have total control over our health care system with their drug based medicine.
The food we eat does matter and to a cancer patient it is crucial in overcoming the disease. We are what we eat and our food is our fuel that keeps us healthy. The cancer rate over the last 30 to 40 years has been increasing alarmingly and our diets have also changed over this same period. We have moved away from eating food in its natural state to food that's been processed and interfered with by man for profit.
Many people have actually reversed their cancer by doing nothing more that changing their diet. A hundred years ago when cancer was rare we were all eating fresh fruit and veggies, fresh bread that was made from flour that wasn't refined, beef that was raised on grass, fresh eggs from free range chooks and cow's milk that wasn't pasteurized. But today most of our food is processed, is laden with salt or refined sugar and most of it contains many of the one thousand additives that are added to our food to increase its shelf life and to help it sell.
The reason food is related to cancer is that the typical western diet is highly acidic which means there is an imbalance within the body. All food is either alkaline or acid and we are supposed to consume 80 percent of it being alkaline and the other 20 percent can be acidic. Acidic foods are white flour, cakes, pastries and cookies, cheese, ice cream, bacon, alcohol and sugary drinks. Our unnatural diet and lifestyle is creating the problem of cancer.
The food we should be eating is a plant based diet, many of which have been labelled as cancer fighting food. These should be the mainstay to your diet and all of these foods are alkaline. At the top of the list are cruciferous vegetables of which broccoli is one of them, also all fresh fruit, lettuces, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, onions and citrus fruit are other examples. A strict diet of our natural food that's been designed for human beings can perform miracles in removing cancer naturally.
The highest rates of both breast and prostate cancers in the world are in the country of Iceland. The people there are all blaming faulty genes and it's easy to blame something that's beyond their control but the main cause is their wrong food choices. Being situated so far north, they can't grow fresh fruit and vegetables and what little is available is shipped in from warmer countries further south. The diet of these people is mainly beef, fish and dairy products and they eat very little of the plant based diet that is full of phytochemicals which are known to keep cancer at bay.
We have all been given by God a self help mechanism which is your immune system and it will help the body remove cancer naturally. You do that by eating the correct food and making other simple lifestyle changes.
The most powerful weapon against cancer is the food you choose to eat everyday and nutrition is the key to beating the disease.
Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist who has specialized in how the food we eat is related to our state of health. This article is from a site for those that are facing cancer or wished to learn more. To read about the link between cancer and the way we live, visit Alan's web page at;


Stem Cells and Cancer

Stem Cells and Cancer

The idea that cancer arises from stem cells was first proposed over 150 years ago as the embryonal rest theory of cancer. However, by the beginning of the 20 th century, the embryonal rest theory of cancer was discarded, and the hypothesis that cancer arises from de-differentiation became generally accepted. Then, about 50 years ago, studies on cancers of germinal tissue (teratocarcinomas) re-established the principles that cancer arises from stem cytes, and that cancer could be treated by induction of differentiation (differentiation therapy). However, teratocarcinomas were considered exceptions to the rule, and the de-differentiation theory of origin remained generally accepted for most cancers until the 1980 s. Then studies on the cellular origin of cancer during experimental chemical hepatocarcinogenesis showed that hepatocellular cancer did not arise from de differentiation of hepatocytes, as was generally believed, but rather from maturation arrest of cytes in the hepatocyte lineage. The re-emergence of the cell theory of cancer preceded the current excitement in cancers.
Over the last 10 years, differentiation therapy has been applied with great success to cancer of the blood cytes (leukemias) by inactivation of the signaling pathways that allow the leukemic transit-amplifying to continue to proliferate and not die (maturation arrest). Differentiation therapy of cancer is now proposed through the use of small inhibitory molecules or inhibitory RNAs (iRNAs) to block the signals that maintain ''stemness'' so that the leukemic tissues are allowed to differentiate. Conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and anti-angiogenic therapies act on the carcinomoa. When these therapies are discontinued, the cancer will re- form from the therapy-resistant cancer. Successful differentiation therapy of cancer cells would force these cells to differentiate, so that they can no longer re-establish the cancer.
The cell of origin of all tissues is called a stem cell. From this one all other cells arise. The fertilized ovum is the primordial for all of the tissues of the human body. The immediate progeny of the primordia are embryonic stem cells, which, in turn, give rise to tissues. It is from these tissues that most cancers arise.
Normal tissue and cancer tissue contain the same populations:
stem cells,
transit-amplifying cells,
and terminally differentiated cells.
Normal tissue renewal and growth of cancer are both accomplished by division of the transit-amplifying cells. Usually, the stem cells of both normal tissue and cancers are relatively few in number, compared to the transit-amplifying and the terminally differentiated cells, and they do not participate in proliferation. The proliferating ones of both cancers and normal tissue are the transit-amplifying cells. Cancer tissue differs from normal tissue in that the transit-amplifying cells accumulate in cancer, whereas in normal tissue differentiate so that they no longer divide (terminal differentiation).
One of the best examples of the normal cellular lineage and also of the contribution of maturation arrest to cancer is skin. The pluripotent skin epidermal stem cells are located in the bulb of the hair follicle. The epidermis-committed stem cells are located in the basal layer of the skin (germinativum) and are much fewer in number than the transit-amplifying carcinoma is located in the spinosum layer. Maturation is accomplished through the accumulation of cytokeratin, which becomes prominent in the granular layer. The granules contain cytokeratin. The cytoplasm of the cells in the granular layer becomes filled with these granules and eventually the cells lose their structure, forming the outer layer of acellular keratin, known as the corneum.
Skin cancers arise by maturation arrest at various levels of differentiation of the epidermis. Maturation arrest of the primitive skin progenitor tissue in the bulge of the hair follicle gives rise to trichoepitheliomas, which vary in cellular differentiation but usually contain both keratitic and basal regions, as well as clear cells characteristic of hair follicle. Cells in the basal layer may give rise to basal cell carcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas. Overexpression of Ras in the more highly determined basal cells of the skin produces squamous cell carcinoma, and induced expression of the c-myc gene in the non-proliferative suprabasal cells reactivates the cell cycle and leads to hyperplasia (papillomas). Papillomas do not progress to invasive tumors. Examination of the cellular populations in skin cancer demonstrates that the malignant cells can also differentiate, but that the proliferative transit-amplifying cells of the cancer do not uniformly do so, unlike normal skin tissue.
The difference between normal tissue renewal and cancer growth is that the number of cells that are produced by cellular division in normal tissue essentially equals the number of cells that terminally differentiate in a given time period, so that the total number of cells remains constant. In contrast, in cancers, the proliferating transit-amplifying cells do not all terminally differentiate, and the number of cells in the cancer increases. These in both normal tissue renewal and cancer growth consist of a small fraction of cellular population that are not actively proliferating, and that fraction serves as a cellular reserve population. When a tissue stem cell divides, it gives rise to one daughter cyte that remains a stem cell and one daughter cell that begins the process of differentiation by becoming a transit-amplifying cell (asymmetric division); thus, the stem cells remain in the tissue for long periods of time, essentially the lifetime of the organism. The number of cells in a cancer increases with time, because the transit-amplifying cells give rise to two cells that do not mature and retain the potential to divide (symmetric division) or the mature cells do not die or both.
Attempts to culture cells from normal tissues and cancers were well underway in the 1950 s, and there were even some early studies suggesting that normal tissues contain stem cells with malignant potential. It was found that malignant cells could be derived from normal rat myocardium (fibroblasts) if the cells were cultured for a long time in anaerobic conditions. Most normal tissue cells do not survive under these conditions, and normal tissue contains rare cells. with the potential for malignant change under selected culture conditions.


The Basics About Kidney Cancer

The Basics About Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is one of the types of cancers that are not very common. It only compromises about 2% of the types of cancers being diagnosed yearly. There are several types of cancer that are known to affect the kidneys. The most frequently occurring type of kidney cancer is a form of renal cell carcinoma, known as renal adenocarcinoma or renal hypernephroma. It's believed to compromise 9 out of 10 kidney cancer cases. Other types of kidney cancer are the transitional cell carcinoma, renal sarcoma and Wilms tumor. Wilms' tumor can be common on children with kidney cancer. And like most cancers, when kidney cancer becomes malignant, it metastasizes into the nearby lymph nodes and to other areas of the body.
The exact risk factors that predispose an individual to kidney cancer is not totally known. However, several factors are being considered. One is smoking. Smoking is thought to increase the risk of acquiring cancer because of its toxic byproducts like tar and nicotine. Obesity is another factor being looked upon because it may cause an increase in the blood pressure of the individual. This increase will result to kidney damage since they kidneys are the ones that directly filter the waste products on the blood. Genetics can also be a factor and so as exposure to carcinogens. Persons with Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) Syndrome can also increase the risk for kidney cancer. VHL is a type of genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow on different areas of the body. Whether a smoker is at risk for developing kidney cancer or not, it is important that he or she should quit smoking because smoking is associated with so many diseases. And the same goes for obesity, that is why maintaining a healthy weight is very important.
There are no definite signs and symptoms for cancer of the kidneys, and unfortunately, most cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed in the later stages of the disease. There are times when they can also be discovered early, but mostly in an accidental basis. The common signs and symptoms that may occur are flank or back pain, blood in the urine and an abdominal mass. But since these are common signs and symptoms of other diseases, diagnosis is still very difficult.
The diagnostic tools used for cancer of the kidneys is similar to those being used with other cancers. X-rays, ultrasound imaging, computerized tomography scans and magnetic resonance imaging are some of the tools that are used to look for the cancer. An intravenous pyelogram is also sometimes used as a diagnostic tool. Blood tests and urine exams can also be used to augment the diagnostic tools. Fine needle aspiration biopsy is done after the preliminary diagnostics are done. This will yield results that can determine if the cancer is truly present or not.
And like most cancers, cancer of the kidneys can be diagnosed in 4 stages. Stage I is the earliest stage of the cancer. The tumor's size is only about 7 cm or less. Metastasis has not yet started and the average tumor size is approximately that of a tennis ball. Stage II has a bigger tumor, approximately 8-9cm or more and still mo metastasis. Stage III has a bit of seeding on the lymph nodes, nearby tissue or the nearby blood vessel. And the last stage, stage IV has the tumor metastasize beyond the surrounding tissue, lymphatic system and/or nearby organs. This is the most common stage wherein kidney cancer is discovered. Although there are available treatment modalities for those who have late stage cancer of the kidneys, it is imperative that a second opinion must be sought. This is done to confirm the diagnosis of the disease so that proper treatment can be started with the patient.


Cancer Fighting Tips That Can Change Your Life

Cancer Fighting Tips That Can Change Your Life

Some people in this world have unbelievably robust wills and can persevere with their chin held high in the face of the worst possibilities. Other folks cannot handle bad situations or tell the truth at all and look puzzled and misplaced. You might be tough on the outside, but cancer could bust your will. Learn how to fight to reverse cancer using these ideas.
A coffee enema is the little known secret of cancer survivors. Take advantage of the support and encouragement that you'll get when you get the opportunity to hear the true life stories of these cancer survivors. Many individual sufferings with cancer has gone through the traumatic path of near-death experiences before discovering the coffee enema. It is this therapy that really helped their body to heal itself naturally.
Don't be fooled into believing that alcohol in any way helps to prevent cancer. It does not. Wine may slow down cancer only because of the grapes. Ingesting large quantities of alcohol can actually put you at a greater risk of hastening cancer. The occasional drink is not going to hurt, but keep your consumption to a minimum.
You can cut your danger of developing skin cancer significantly by staying out of the sun between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Through that time of the day, the suns rays are the strongest and as a result does the most harm. Regardless of what time you go outdoors, remember to always wear sunblock.
Once you are diagnosed with cancer, it can be vital for you to do research concerning the illness. You'll want to understand everything that you can so that you're taking the appropriate methods for treatment instead of blindly putting your health into the hands of others.
Limit the quantity of red meats, and in particular processed meats, in your diet plan. A wholesome diet regime is linked to reduced risks of cancer. Consuming a huge quantity of red, processed meats will increase the fat content material of your diet. The processing in certain meat exposes you to some potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives. All of these items can be of high threat factors for cancer.
Whilst cancer has quite a few faces, it is not generally a walking death sentence. Lots of people will beat the illness with support from physicians, counselors, loved ones, and buddies. Each and every step can be challenging, but is well worth the endurance to a wholesome life after filled with promise and love. Cancer is horrible illness which will be treated.
If you are interested in getting rid of cancer, you could really use some help on how to do coffee enema that has the reputation to help patients combat cancer! is a health website that offers much help if you are looking for the natural way to health. Did you know that for the lack of knowledge, one perishes? We teach you how to let your body heal itself!