
Monday 19 December 2011

Cancer from Asbestos

Cancer from Asbestos
Asbestos is a group of lung diseases associated with asbestos exposure. Although the term itself is not technically correct – only one of the diseases belonging to this group Asbestos derived from the lungs (and it’s not cancer) – it serves as a means of classifying cause of asbestos-related diseases, lung damage.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is mined, processed and used for over 6000 years. The two most common diseases related to  asbestosis and mesothelioma, with pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma. Both asbestosis and mesothelioma are caused by the inhalation of asbestos and the subsequent inflammation caused by the filing of asbestos fibers in the lungs.
Malignant Mesothelioma is a rare form of asbestos lung cancer who have submitted themselves from asbestos in the lining of the lungs. But in contrast to asbestosis, which originates in the lungs, mesothelioma occurs in the serous lining, which is the lining around the outside of the lungs. Another thing that distinguishes mesothelioma from asbestosis that the growth of malignant tumors leads (asbestosis leads to the growth of scar tissue that is benign) is. This means that the tumors spread to the lungs “serosa with mesothelioma cancer, linked to grow rapidly and can spread to other organs. Asbestosis, not on the other side, spread to other organs grow. Cancerous tumors and then spread to other organs, this metastasis.pleural Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma can affect various organs in the body, not just the lungs. When mesothelioma occurs in the lungs, pleural mesothelioma is, if it occurs, the heart lining is called pericardial mesothelioma, and when it happens in the abdomen called peritoneal mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos is believed to be the primary cause of all three types of mesothelioma.
The timeline between asbestos exposure and the occurrence of pleural mesothelioma is very long (30 to 40 years). Pleural mesothelioma can be detected by X-rays, but the diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma was confirmed with a biopsy. Treatments for pleural mesothelioma are similar to other types of cancer. They include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical removal of cancerous tissue. It is important to note that different types of cancer respond differently to different treatments. As a result of a mesothelioma patient treatment plan to his individual case. Unfortunately, the disease is very aggressive, and most treatments do not slow the progression. The life expectancy of people diagnosed with mesothelioma is less than a year.
Asbestosis is a disease in which asbestos fibers cause scarring of the lungs, but it is not a form of lung cancer. This disease occurs because asbestos fibers are small, but sustainable, if they are inhaled, the lungs’ natural filtering system is unable to eliminate them from the air. As a result, has asbestos in the location, very sterile cavities in the lungs . go When asbestos fibers found in the interstitium – the area around the lung air sacs (alveoli) -. inflame the lungs, which can eventually cause scarring, the period between the time of asbestos fibers in the lungs and eventual formation of scar tissue as long as his 10 years. At some point, if enough scarring of the lungs occurs, it will be classified as fibrosis. Asbestosis is fibrosis that forms in the interstitium.
Fibrosis is the development of excess connective tissue in a defined organ. This paralyzes the areas of connective tissue that enters the lungs. So, if it spreads over large areas of the lungs over time, the lungs lose their ability to function. Like pleural mesothelioma, the entire time axis between asbestos exposure and the development of large areas of fibrosis, as long as 30 or 40 years.
Asbestosis is usually determined by an x-ray with the big pile of tumors in the lung. Often the first symptom is difficulty breathing, which was formed by fibrous tissue or by a pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid) can be caused by asbestos. There is no cure for asbestosis, and ultimately the fibrous tissue surrounding the lungs, making it impossible to breathe. A common cause of death associated with heart failure asbestosis, in which the heart is revised press in their attempt to have enough blood through the lungs provide enough oxygen through the body.
Asbestos-cancer (lung cancer, adenocarcinoma)
Although much of the focus on cancer caused by asbestos is mesothelioma (a cancer of the lining of the lungs, heart or stomach), other breast cancers, such as adenocarcinoma, are also caused by asbestos. Asbestos is estimated at 3400-8500 new cases of lung cancer account in the United States each year.
Such as mesothelioma, the latency period between asbestos exposure and the development of asbestos-related lung cancer, two, three, four or even decades. Very often, an asbestos cancer victims suffer under asbestosis, a scarring of lung tissue caused by asbestos. About one in seven people with asbestosis eventually develop lung cancer.
Several studies have tried to determine whether asbestos in all cases of asbestos-related lung cancer. Although this is a simplification of the provision once lung pathology diagnosis was made, and can aid in treatment decisions, this has no reliable pattern in cases of proven asbestos lung cancer.
Lung cancer in asbestos workers
Studies show an increase in lung cancer in workers exposed to asbestos. This increase is particularly significant when the asbestos workers who smoke exposure. A dose-response relationship, both for the degree of exposure to asbestos and the amount of cigarette smoking.
Asbestos Lung Cancer Explained
Most asbestos lung cancer begins in the lining of the bronchi, the tubes in the trachea or windpipe splits. However, asbestos lung cancer also begin in other areas such as the trachea, the bronchi (small branches of the bronchi), or alveoli (lung air sacs). Although lung cancer usually develops slowly, once it occurs, to stop cancer cells and spread to other parts of the body.
The two most common forms of lung cancer are small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC),cancer cells are small and round, and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the cancer cells are larger. Sometimes a cancer has features of both types, and is called mixed small cell / large cell cancer.
NSCLC accounts for almost 80% of lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer accounts for about 20% of all lung cancer cases (American Cancer Society, lung cancer. Although the cancer cells are small, they can multiply rapidly and form large tumors. The tumors can spread to the lymph nodes and other organs.
Early stage lung cancer, asbestos may be asymptomatic (without symptoms). The methods for asbestos lung cancer imaging tests, biopsies to diagnose, and phlegm (spit) samples.


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